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PED 4.3证书解析:欧盟压力设备材料要求详解

PED 4.3证书是指什么?

PED 4.3证书是压力设备关于材料部分的要求,由欧盟公告号机构进行验厂审核颁发给压力设备材料工厂的证书


DIRECTIVE 2014/68/EU OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 15 May 2014on the harmonisation of the laws of the Member States relating to the making available on the market of pressure equipment


Materials used for the manufacture of pressure equipment shall be suitable for such application during the scheduled lifetime unless replacement is foreseen.


Welding consumables and other joining materials need to fulfil only the relevant requirements of points 4.1, 4.2(a) and the first paragraphof point 4.3, in an appropriate way, both individually and in a joined structure.


4.3. The equipment manufacturer shall take appropriate measures to ensure that the material used conforms with the requiredspecification. In particular, documentation prepared by the material manufacturer affirming compliance with a specification shall beobtained for all materials.


For the main pressure-bearing parts of equipment in categories Il, lll and Iv, this shall take the form of a certificate of specific product control.


Where a material manufacturer has an appropriate quality-assurance system, certifed by a competent body established within the Uniorand having undergone a specific assessment for materials, certifcates issued by the manufacturer are presumed to certify conformitly withthe relevant requirements of this point.



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